The Soluball Story

Meet the innovators, dreamers, and visionaries behind Soluball

Innovators, dreamers, visionaries — we are a lot of things, but above all, we're the kind of people who like to solve problems for good.

When Alex Chiau decided to start his own business after years of service with Singapore Airlines, he carried forward the service-first spirit inculcated in him by one of the world's most decorated airlines. With his 23 years of engineering experience, he decided to look into a smarter way to replace heavy, bulky, spill-prone detergents and cleaners – which are out of place in the sleek and compact modern households of Singapore. He sought a solution that would be based on the philosophy of 20% effort and 80% outcome, and built a team around the core belief that good could always get better.

Embarking on an intensive R&D journey, the team 
developed an effective and portable cleaning solution using a soluble tablet. This was revolutionary and led to the award of a patent by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation). The tablet has now been improved to an even more effective design using encapsulated liquid ball. Thus, Soluball was born...

"We pay attention to every single detail that delivers a first class product and experience to our customers. We created Soluball to make cleaning as fuss-free and as safe as possible, which is why we make sure that it goes through all the necessary quality checks before it reaches your shelf."
- Alex Chiau (2018)